Saturday, November 17, 2007


The Basics
Hair Color: thinking of dying it

Eye Color: dontknowdont care

Height: 169.8cm

Profession: bummer/ beach boy

Relationship Status: fuck

Religious Views; free thinker

My Favorites

Favorite Color: i take whatever

Favorite Car: any, i'd love a vespa

Favorite Movie: too many

Favorite Hobby: dota cycling soccer ( sailor's life )

Favorite Song/Singer: trance, cafe del mar

Favorite Book/Author: only sailing books, or sports science

Favorite School Subject: ponning class, something ive been very involved with recently

Favorite Vacation Destination: maldives

Favorite Food: combo A ( bubble tea + donuts )

Favorite Restaurant: dont know

Favorite Animal: dont know

Favorite Store: zhik, keep buying and buying i got ALMOST the whole collection, aint lending.

Favorite Celebrity : sloan

Favorite Childhood Friend: virgil, did i spell your name correctly?

Favorite Childhood Memory: i bullied so badly

Favorite Baby Name: supercheng

Favorite Person In Your Life: granny, she's life basically.

This or That

Chocolate or Vanilla: vanilla, cookies and cream anytime over vanilla

Big Mac or Whopper: none, fat food

Coke or Pepsi : coke ( i drink 7up )

Beer or Wine: hard liquor,

Coffee or Tea: coffee to stay awake, tea whenever/ bubble tea, get it

Apple Juice or O.J.: apple

Facebook or MySpace: facebook, dont have myspace

Summer or Winter: winter. when im sailing then summer

Windows or Mac: mac, use your brains

Cats or Dogs: none, sea monkey's the best or tamagochi

Boxers or Briefs: got both, i cant decide which one's better, depends on which harness i wear, kidding la

Rain or Shine : rain with wind, sunshine can bugger off

Chips or Popcorn: chips

Salty or Sweet: salty

Plane or Boat: boat.

Morning or Night: night, confirm,

Movie or Play: i'd rather sleep-in.

Walk or Drive: none, start reducing carbon emissons, go cycling.

Money or Love: love, yes im stupid for that. 160k does me no happiness

Breakfast or Dinner: breakfast must include hotcakes and my newspaper

Forgiveness or Revenge: kill and destroy.

Paint or Wallpaper: wtf?.

House or Apartment: apartment

Have You Ever

Stolen Anything: yeah , got a prob with that?.

Been Drunk Before Noon: no i dont do that kinda shite

Had Sex In A Public Place: dont wanna

Got Caught Telling A Lie: yeah

Got A Speeding Ticket; yep when had to slow down in 20 knots reaching with spin

Been Arrested: nah they're too slow for me.

Littered: out at sea and got scolded

Fantasized About A Co-Worker; thats hot but no.

Cheated On A Test: not recently

Cheated In A Relationship; you help me answer

Failed A Class: wherever whenever

Screened Your Phone Calls: nope, delete them

Eaten Food Off The Floor: thats sick,

Stuck Gum Under A Desk: i dont do gum,

Wished You Were Someone Else: i wouldnt mind having a house like chun's.

Cried During A Movie; am i suppose to say no?. yes

Had A One Night Stand: too lazy, rather stay in bed and play psp.

Describe Yourself In One Word: shagged

Biggest Fear: sharks

Biggest Mistake: living

Your Proudest Accomplishment; i can eat much more than whats proportion to my hips

#1 Priority In Your Life: make sure my ipod/phone/psp is fully charged b4 leaving house

Dream Job: dont dream ( good pay + happiness , i want ! )

Causes You Believe In: cant be bothered

Special Talents: natural at jumping,( not with a lower back injury now. )

Where Are You Right Now; home, with a bout of flu and fever

Where Would You Rather Be; in my bed with my psp.

Famous Person You Want To Meet: sloan from entourage

Place To Visit Before You Die: caribbean

Song Played At Your Funeral: trance, coolness yeah. so dont pangseh

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